Cotswold High Value £5 Definitive FDC

First Day Cover Envelopes

Do you sometimes wish you could change the arrangement of stamps on your First Day Covers – or personalise it according to each stamp issue and your interest?

Well, now you can.

We are the only company, other than Royal Mail, that can sell you blank First Day Envelopes so you can do precisely that. Also, it is an opportunity to reduce the cost of your hobby as you might not wish to purchase all the stamps. Whether you wish to purchase for every new issue, or just those that appeal, we are happy to help you. We supply other trade outlets, Post Offices and individual collectors – many of whom come to rely on information we go to great lengths to pass on when Royal Mail is a little slow!

We aim to get the FDEs out to collectors at least one month prior to the stamp issue. This gives you plenty of time to do what you need to do. We find increasingly these days that it gets more difficult to take holidays! Well, relax – if you happen to be away, for our “trade” customers, we are happy to supply these at cost price to help out.

With each sending, you receive a Newsletter entitled Trade News giving you details of forthcoming items issues whether they are stamps, minisheets, booklets etc.

How it works:

  • Decide whether you want Cotswold First Day Envelope, Stuart Envelope, or even Royal Mail
  • Decide how many you wish to take
  • Decide whether you wish to take for each stamp issue or just let us know when
  • Cost per one is £2.20 excluding postage and packing.
  • Let us have your postal address and they will be sent with invoice so you can pay on receipt
  • Cost: £2.20 per envelope, P&P extra.

Cost: £2.20 per envelope, P&P extra.

Post & Go

Cotswold and Stuart Covers have produced a generic envelope to suit all three issues.

A very clever design one size fits all !!!!


Cotswold P&G Mail by Sea FDC
Cotswold P&G Mail by Sea FDC



Cotswold Queens Head Generic Envelope

These generic envelopes can be used for definitives, commemoratives, retail booklets and other odd items.

Cotswold National Definitive FDC
Cotswold National Definitive FDC

Stuart Great Britain Windsor Castle Generic Envelope

Generic envelope that can be used for any stamps you like.


England Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Scotland Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Cotswold Regional Definitive (England & Scotland) FDC
Cotswold Regional Definitive (England & Scotland) FDC

Northern Ireland Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Wales Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Cotswold Regional Definitive (Wales & N. Ireland) FDC
Cotswold Regional Definitive (Wales & N. Ireland) FDC

Stuart England Rose Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Stuart England Rose FDC
Stuart England Rose FDC

Northern Ireland Clover Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Stuart Northern Ireland Clover FDC
Stuart Northern Ireland Clover FDC

Stuart Scotland Thistle Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Stuart Scotland Thistle FDC
Stuart Scotland Thistle FDC

Wales Daffodil Country Definitive Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Country Definitives but you can use it for anything you like.

Stuart Wales Daffodil FDC
Stuart Wales Daffodil FDC

Madonna & Child Generic Envelope

Ideal for your Christmas stamps or any religious festival

Stuart Madonna FDC
Stuart Madonna FDC

Discounts for bulk purchases available on request